Thyroid Disease Management
Are you taking thyroid medication but still not feeling well? Do you notice that your thyroid medication is not working or do you want to get off? Or do you wonder if you should be taking thyroid medication even though your labs seem normal? Dr. Stracks is a leading expert in thyroid disease management and can help you sort out the answer to these questions and more.
Click below to learn more about how Cormendi Health can help.
Mind-Body Medicine/Tension Myositis Syndrome Relief
Dr. Stracks has extensive experience with helping clients who are experiencing chronic pain, having treated it for over a decade, having spoken nationally about it, and having organized the only national conference held on TMS. Though some people read Dr. John Sarno’s books and get better right away, many people find that they learn about TMS and get only slightly better, or not better at all.
Whether you’re seeking confirmation of the diagnosis, information about Dr. Stracks’ classes and seminars, or more information about how to move your treatment forward, click below to learn more about Cormendi Health’s TMS program.
Integrative Medicine
Are you looking for a healthcare approach that’s more than just taking pills? Dr. Stracks has spent his entire career learning how to help people heal without taking medication. He has found that dietary changes, stress reduction, vitamins, supplements, judicial use of hormones, and the right medical testing can make a huge difference in people's health.
If you're not feeling well and you don’t know where to turn next, click below to find out more about how Cormendi’s integrative approach can put you on the road to feeling well again.
Integrative Women’s Health
We know that a women’s health screening can be cold and clinical.
If you’re looking for an integrative women’s health option from a physician who listens, cares, and does more than just a quick exam, click below to find out more about integrative women’s health options from Cormendi Health.
Integrative Primary Care
Until recently, medical care has been based on the doctor/patient relationship. Within the past 25 years, the time set aside for the interaction between the physician and the client has been shrinking: the average primary care visit is now only 8 minutes long. While this may work fine for testing for strep throat or even pneumonia, 8 minutes is not nearly long enough for the physician to get to know you, engage in meaningful conversation, or make progress on any chronic or complicated condition.
Click below to see how Cormendi Health is changing the physician/patient interaction.